Thursday, August 23, 2007
My loosest jeans fit now! I bought the pair summer of last year from the GAP with the thought of wearing them while on the plane to and from Pinas. I am all for comfort when in a plane. Now, they fit so well on my butt and around my legs! Hahaha! I guess coz I got them when I was 101 lbs? Now that I've been between 105 and 107 (thanks to the gym!), they've become my UNloose favorites. So... and this one I really dread... if my loosest jeans now fit me, what
of those jeans that already did? Clean shopping for my new weight? Hoen won't like that. But if I am going to start working in 2 months and with school next week, some SORT of shopping should be in order. I've been embracing wide-legged jeans for a while now so that should be weather appropriate at least. I just hope the stores will still be on sale in a couple of weeks or it's going to be credit nightmare!