Estudyante MIDNIGHT blues
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Last Monday, I went to school to buy the Accounting Book we will be using. I was very impressed with our bookstore because it really looks like a small Borders. For some reason, the police were everywhere (not Campus Security, mind you. The actual Police) manning almost every door in the campus. Anyway, I showed my schedule and course number and this ditz pointed the book out to me. The cover said, "Economics and Business Strategy", which puzzled me because I was taking Accounting and Finance. So I approached her again and she said that that book was it and she's sure of it. So I leave and get on with my day.
Today, I went back for Orientation which I had to skip because 1) my insomnia kicked in and I only had 2 hours to sleep and 2) I had heinous cramps again. Turns out, mandatory attendance was supposedly just for the 1 pm TB test. I told the operator, "I'm already done with the MMR shots and the TB test." But as if to get rid of me already, she says, "1 pm is mandatory. TB test is mandatory. Thank you." So I slid my tired crampy ass of our bed and went to school. What's worse is that it poured cats and dogs!! So I had to park in the free lot, run 4 building
s to the Student Health Services ONLY TO LEARN THAT TB TESTING WAS NOT MANDATORY BECAUSE OF MY H4 VISA. Tanisha, the desk clerk goes, "Hunny, you don't owe us anything. You're cleared. I don't know who told you to come here but you don't need no tests." Aaaarrrggghh!!! Samoka! And since I couldn't go anywhere just yet because it had rained lions and buffalos I decided to hit the bookstore once again. I was right after all! The book the idiot gave me the other day was wrong! I got the right book this time. Might have been more pricey (a whopping $147.50!!!) but at least I can now start studying. Tomorrow, when I come back for REQUIRED orientation, I will be returning the old $115 book and I am so shoving it to her face. Samoka. What a waste of time and card swiping.

I accomplished one thing today though. I finally got my student ID. This is my menstrual cramps-plus-saput-plus-lack-of-sleep-dashed-with-downpour-on-my-hair ID. Not too shabby but the frown that formed right after could not be avoided. Hoh well. Estudyante MIDNIGHT blues.