Another unlucky day
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Yesterday was another eventful one for us. It was weird, bizarre and highly utimely.I was on a mission to find a wedding dress for our friends' weddings. I was willing to drive around the city to buy a dress and that meant possibly 16+ miles of just parking and fitting. I must've tried about 30 dresses yesterday.
Anyway, after dropping Hoen off at the office, I had to go home because I had forgotten to bring something. As I parked in the garage, I noticed that Hoen had turned the headlights on. I turned it off, went inside the house then left for the mall. I made stops at the Oakview Mall which is at 144th WEST and decided later to go all the way to Village Pointe which is at 168th West of Omaha. Now Hoen's office is at 68th East so that's a lot of miles in between. It was already about 6 pm when I FINALLY got a dress at White House, Black Market (by the way, I had this scratching feat after trying on one of the dresses in the mall. Good thing I had my trusty chinese skin cream with me. I was starting to itch all over my torso! Eeyuck!) . I decided to just go East and wait for Hoen to be done with work at the nearest Caribou Coffee. I frequent the place for their free Wi-Fi. Hoen arrives about 7:10 pm and we head to the car shortly after.
Hoen starts the engine. The engine is dead. We wait a few seconds, start it again and still nothing. We wait for a couple of minutes and it's the same. There's just this clinking sound whenever we turn on the ignition. At this point, Hoen calls AAA. We had JUST signed up for membership

Now while Hoen was on the phone, this girl in a white car attempts to do a straight U-Turn. I remember muttering, "Back up, back up, there's a puddle of water from the rain over the gutter." But she rams it anyway and rrrrr... her right front tire gets stuck. This car behind her stops and Hoen and I go over and offer to lift the car while she swerves. But it would've left a huge mess with all the mud. I was beginning to think that this joint was a Twilight Zone of car wrecks. We told them that we were having some car trouble ourselves and that AAA is on their way and might be here IN AN HOUR. The girl didn't know what to do so the driver of the car behind her offered to steer out of the pothole. After several tries, he was able to move the car forward. Yey! Moreover, this guy volunteers to help us jump our battery with his battery. The only problem was I was parked RIGHT IN FRONT of the coffee shop and the owner of this car beside us was nowhere to be found. Since we had to jump the batt, both cars had to be next to each other. So I tried to go on Neutral while Hoen and this bartender push the car to the parking space behind us. But the shifts wouldn't nudge. I tried over and over and over... stepping on the brakes, not stepping on the brakes but nothing happened.
We were now starting to wonder that maybe this is more than just a battery problem. Something may have short circuited inside. At this point, this other guy walks by and offers his help. Turns out be an

I was just thankful for 2 things: First, that all those people came by to help and second, that it all went down at Caribou and not in the middle of the road. Susmaryosep, unsaon nalang. We are so marking our calendars for the next battery change. August 8 2010. Hehe.