I want to ride my BIIIIcycle. BIIIIcycle!
Monday, June 04, 2007
The conversation of getting bikes is almost 2 years in the running. Joen got this second hand Trek bike which he had been using quite a lot as a bachelor. Boom! I come in his life and he stops biking. This bike had been sitting on the apartment porch ever since I got to the US and it has literally rusted over. The tyres have gone bonkers too and just about everything about it screams "THROW ME AWAY." I told him to get a new bike but with my uterus problems then, he felt guilty pedaling on
his own while leaving me behind to eat his dust while I await his return.
Finally, with clearance from my OB GYN, we both got new bikes and tried them out for the first time yesterday. We didn't realize we had such a nice hood. We had 2 lakes nearby with LOVELY LOVELY trails. Since it was my first time to bike in say, OVER A DECADE, I had a pretty hard time pedaling up the steep roads. Thank God for