Hawt Weemennn
Friday, October 26, 2007
Our Top 3 hottest women-with-natural-beauty on TV.
3) Dan

2.) Navi Rawat. Everytime we watch Numb3rs, Hoen always says ,"Gwapaha gyud aning bayhana uy." She really is one of those faces that can go from the bed to the club with just powder and lipstick. I love
the way she raises her eyebrows ad twitches her mouth.

1.) Sarah Shahi. THIS one I would do if I were a lesbian. Not only is the show so good, she had to be in it, no make-up and all. We have a High Def TV so pretty much everyone, including Eva Longoria, can easily look cake-y. But not her. She is sweating and her hair is all over the place but she is just sooo annoyingly pretty. I never saw the L Word, I don't remember her on Alias and Frasier, but I sure look forward to watching LIFE on Wednesday.