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Date with Wendy
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So the First National interview went well. The only thing about it is that if I end up not getting the job, it will be because I have had no Financial or Banking background. At least Wendy was very transparent about that. Hoh well. Whatever the decision will be, I'll take it. They said they will get back to me on Monday. *Crossing fingers*

For now, moving on to the LinkedIn interview on Friday. Should be interesting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yesternight, I walked out of the classroom feeling a bit sucky. Mid-terms was more challenging than I thought. And I hate that I totally forgot the equation for Weighted Average on Inventory. I should have eaten something before the exam. I should have rushed out to get soup or something because the minute my butt hit the chair, my stomach had started to grumble. Halfway into the test, I was starting to feel a little dizzy and I just wanted to up and leave. Good thing I kept my wits with me and just kept going, even though I had to abandon a few equations. The good thing though, is that I don't think we overstudied at all. All the hours we put in to study paid off. My memory just worked against me and that's why I feel sucky.

Sucky sucky sucky. I'd be happy if I get a B on Midterms. =(

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well, I passed the first interview with First National Bank. Lovely position. Both my IT knowledge and internet project management skills can be utilized. Fairly new and widely funded department- the E-Business department. My second interview is going to be on Wednesday with Wendy Wilson, VP for E-Business. I am so anxious and quite scared for that. Praying so hard to get this job.

I have lost 4 lbs. all because of 1 subject. My class friends and I have been studying our butts off over accounting. We all need to get AT LEAST a B+ so we're taking this pretty seriously.

We got the Guitar Hero on Wii midnight of the 28th. Haha!! Sooo loving it!

And... Leg and I have a secret. Over the BESTEST NEWS EVAARRRR!!! Hehe

Hawt Weemennn
Friday, October 26, 2007

Our Top 3 hottest women-with-natural-beauty on TV.

3) Dania Ramirez This new hero is just so pretty!!! And she rolls her tongue so well. Hehe

2.) Navi Rawat. Everytime we watch Numb3rs, Hoen always says ,"Gwapaha gyud aning bayhana uy." She really is one of those faces that can go from the bed to the club with just powder and lipstick. I love the way she raises her eyebrows ad twitches her mouth.

1.) Sarah Shahi. THIS one I would do if I were a lesbian. Not only is the show so good, she had to be in it, no make-up and all. We have a High Def TV so pretty much everyone, including Eva Longoria, can easily look cake-y. But not her. She is sweating and her hair is all over the place but she is just sooo annoyingly pretty. I never saw the L Word, I don't remember her on Alias and Frasier, but I sure look forward to watching LIFE on Wednesday.

Weird day
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today, we were just... all over the place. Zoe had a flu shot, Anne had too much caffeine on top of her lack of sleep and Markus took cough drops. I was the only sober and substance-less person in the group.

Markus: So ver is your family?
Zoe: They're all in China.
Markus: How do you talk to them?
Zoe: My mouth.
HAHAHA! That flu shot did it!

Markus: So ver does this 95% come from?
Me: From a hundred.
Markus: I know a percent is a hundred but where does it come from?
Anne: The book.
Markus: What does the book say?
Anne: 95%
Markus: Of what?
Anne: Of my brain is fried.
HAHAHA! Some Pepsi drink!

Zoe: I don't get it. What does installed cost mean?
Me and Anne: Just the cost of the machine. It's probably an equipment being installed.
Zoe: But why do they call it installed cost?
Markus: Maybe because it was installed.
Zoe: The cost?
Markus: No, the equipment.
Zoe: What equipment?
Me: The asset. In the problem?
Zoe: What problem?
Anne: The one we're trying to solve?
Zoe: We are? I was just reading.
Anne: Where?
Zoe: Page 212.
Anne: That's chapter 5. We're in Chapter 6.
Me: Actually that's Chapter 7.
Markus: We are so failing Accounting.

HAHAHA!! No kidding!

Moving on
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So I turned down West indeed. Few too many things didn't feel right PLUS Julie's friend's email helped give a lot of perspective. Joen and I are happy with our decision and we are moving on.

I'm excited for my applications at ConAgra, LinkedIn and Celebrity Staffing's client ,whoever they may be. Just sucks that it's the end of the year and hiring is usually done by the start of the year. Hoh well. Will just have to be patient. I hope I hear from Woodmen too. I heard from Peter Kiewit but they are good to hire within January yet. We'll see, busisi.

The question
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

To take or not to take West's offer. That is the question.


Your hair on my lap, your pointy nose, your droopy eyes. Your smell, your poreless skin, your big hands. Your feet on my thighs, your tight shoulders, your "igwad lobot". Your muscled chest, your paper-white heels, your cushion-y lips. Your buff legs, your bony knees, your protruding manhood (who pays attention even when I'm not talking to him). I miss everything about you, Payfee, and Thursday seems so far away. And even now as I am tempted to call you as I cry in silence despite Frasier being on, I am trying to be the strong woman you thought you married. Only you were wrong. Because you, and only you, can make me ache and yearn and long and turn me weak like this. We are not built to be apart, Payfee, or should I just speak for myself?

I can't wait for you to come home. I can't quite be myself without you. And most of all, I can't CANNOT believe that of all the days you had to be at San Diego, that stupid wildfire had to happen. Maybe God is trying to send a message?

I love you. Sleep tight.

Laysho ka Day!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And I just got my sosh yesterday!!! woohooo!!!

I now am a full-fledged entity here in the US. hehe

Friday, October 12, 2007

So I had my initial interview today at West Corp. I just had to speak with an HR person so it was mostly very general questions. After that, she made me take a personality test- sort of a mirror type questionnaire where you are supposed to answer how the company wants you to answer and how you would honestly answer. I only had a few questions where the answer was inconsistent but I didn't really care. The HR person said most likely no one is going to review that. Haha. I got set-up for a 2nd interview this Monday at 9:30 am. Way before my waking hour but what they hay, I need to be there. Pros-- they give 4-6 weeks training upon hiring, job description is very extensive and challenging, the office is not that far. Cons-- relatively low pay, 24/7 on-call duty and required carrying of a pager. I spoke with our friend, Toni, after my interview. We ended up making "chika" for over an hour! Haha. The last time we saw each other was last Thanksgiving and being a Technical Employment recruiter, she gave me some information about West and its working environment.

Two nights ago I got a hit from Gallup Corp. through Monster. So I submitted my resume and finished the online application. Turns out, I had to take their Talent Assessment test which would take 40 minutes. It was a timed test where you were to answer each question within 20 seconds. The next day, yesterday, I got an interview schedule for Tuesday at 10:30 am. It will be done over the phone. Joen has an officemate who tried to apply at Gallup and she failed the Talent Assessment Test. Why? Because she applied for a Technical position and her answers were like that of a manager's. So right off the bat, they failed her. Haha. I had no idea first impressions lasted THAT WAY for Gallup. These guys are huge so I'm excited.

Will give more updates. In the meantime, wish me luck for Monday and Tuesday's interview.

Counting eggs and chickens
Monday, October 08, 2007

So I have been on a maniacal jobhunt as of late. And the more I hunt, the more I realize just how out-of-focus I am with my career! Website management, check. Software content, check. Business requirement documentation, check. Liaising, check. Admin and HR, done that. SEO, that as well. Online advertising, yep. Offline sales, uh-huh. Logistics and Fleet Management, bingo. When I get to the job page where I'm supposed to choose what fields I want to work in, it always stumps me. I KNOW I don't like Sales and I don't like making financial plans, so those are scrapped. But the rest. I feel the need to have to read each and every posting under these fields. It can be exhausting so I'm really wishing all this effort pays off.

I pray that the job I get will be the one best suited for me and Hoen. I hope it's not too far, pays well and has a career path for me. I also hope that they a good maternity plan. But who am I to choose right? I just want to get a job! Earn for our family. What am I talking about... I just hope one of them calls me up and asks me for an interview! Haha. Counting chickens, how convenient. But Googoal is still my Gle. I'll get there, one day.

International Study Group

I got a 30 out of 30 on our first project! Woohoo!!

Our teacher posted our 2nd project sooner than we thought so I was able to work on it right away. I was very surprised at how FAST I was able to finish it. And like the paranoid person that I am, I encouraged and started a study group just to make sure I am able to check my work with my classmates'. Two people replied- Zoe and Markus. Zoe is a Chinese import who has been here for 6 years. Markus, on the other hand, has only been here for 6 weeks. He's German. So maybe we should call ourselves the International Students' Study Group. So funny listening to our English. Haha! We agreed to meet every week/weekend and work on our exercises and projects together. This gives me a lot of comfort seeing as a lot of things that I understand, they don't. And some things they do get, I don't. I feel a little more secure having several people to work with. I'm glad I started our study group.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Yey!! A twisted and dark spin to one of our favorite classics! Why they did this? Because, because, because, because, becaaaaaause! Haha

Chicken and egg

I'm in a chicken and egg situation right now.

My polyps aren't totally gone although they have significantly decreased, as far as the symptoms are concerned. So Dr. Bishop, my OB-GYN told me that she is willing to do the D&C but has reservations over thinning out the lining of the uterus. So she suggested doing another round of the progestin- this time from October to December, 10 days each for 3 months. But the ultimate solution, it seems, is child birth. Most women had gotten rid of their polyps through childbirth. I guess all that build-up takes the place of the polyps. Polyps don't get in the way of getting pregnant but because of their presence, one may experience some abnormal shedding or bleeding while pregnant. The progestin may or may not get rid of all my polyps but it is the safest, most non-invasive way.

So, the D&C which assures the removal of these polyps thins out the uterus which is bad for those who haven't had babies yet. But the presence of the polyps, if I don't do the D&C, may make the pregnancy term a little more "eventful". I asked for the Doctor's advice and I think she wants me to go through the whole hormone treatment again (the last time was from May to July) and then maybe, just maybe do the D&C after if that still doesn't work. She also wants us to consider getting pregnant. Moreover, with my prominent cervix, the younger I am, the better I am at coping with pregnancy. I don't know if Mommy had a prominent cervix or who else in the family has a prominent cervix but I'd always known my entire life that dako gyud ko ug pus-on. Hehe. Although the doctor assured me that she would give me some estrogen after the D&C to thicken up my lining, I am leaning towards not doing the D&C at all. It may give me short term convenience but I might regret it for the rest of my life.

So Joen and I are giving this some thought. Are we emotionally ready to have kids soon? No. Are we financially ready? No. And since my EAD card is on its way to the mail, I would still want to be able to work and we can both earn income for some time. But you know what they say. One can never be "ready" to get pregnant. If it will happen, it will happen. God will find a way no matter what you do, ika nga. So we're praying that this second round of progestin will get rid of all the polyps for good so that we can be worry-free already, pregnant or otherwise. We need your prayers too.


Hoen got his EAD card na!!! Oowa Oowa! Mine is just a couple of hours wait. Whooppeee!!!