Friends, old and animal
Monday, July 23, 2007
We wen
t back to the zoo last Saturday, thanks to Beaver's Singapore Zoo pictures. I wanted to see my friends again. The funny thing was, for some reason, I called up my old friend who has now been in neighboring Iowa for 2 years. Her name is Buenzel and she is the sister of Buttwipe's best friend, Pancit. We were elementary and High School classmates and I remember us making a really good team together. She's 5 months pregnant too! I don't know what it was with the day but somehow, I just decided to call her up that day.
Turns out she WAS at the zoo! Her second time but her husband's first time. And whaddyouknow. Hoen and her hubby were co-swimming instructors way back when
. Smoll warld! So after lunch at Denny's, we went to the zoo to meet our animal friends and an old friend. I was so glad to see her! We had become neighbors and I had been there when their family went through several misfortunes. We were practically 10 paces away from each other. But we hardly saw each other. She was finishing Med Tech school while I had already been working. Buttwipe, too, hardly saw Pancit so as much as we were geographically close, we were very much apart. But we always seemed to pick up where we left off everytime we hooked up. Now, we're in the US and we're still close by. Haha! 'Twas a good day though. I love going to the zoo. I LOVE LOVE IT!
The REALLY funny thing is that she is friends with Hoen's ex-something. The girl who fell in love with him. But long story short, unrequited love. So group dating might be hard, hehe.