2 Bad Newses
Friday, May 04, 2007
I have two bad newses and bruises.
1) The
Lakers lost to the Suns last night. Not that I didn't expect it, but at Game 5? Why did they have to play against the Suns first on the Play-offs!!! This team needs to be more cohesive. They get rattled and excited too quickly and mess up with how many turnovers. EEJOTS! Why do they keep hiring butterfingered players to prance back and forth on the court, losing the ball many times? 2) Gilmore Girls just OFFICIALLY announced their series finale scheduled for May 15. Meaning, they were still negotiating for an 8th sea
son and came up with an ambivalent last episode for Season 7 which could be both a Season or a possible Series finale. Apparently, it will be the latter. Bummer. So Rory graduates, Logan proposes, she turns him down, they break up, and then what. Lorelai and Luke are slowly re-introducing each other into their lives. Will this end with a wedding? Two more episodes. I should say just as well because if season 8 would have been a lag, then closing shop would be the best decision yet.