Point of Contact
Thursday, April 26, 2007
There are some things in life you may have avoided for so long for a good reason. And once you were done avoiding, you WISH you have had continued avoiding. One of these things is wearing contact lenses.
I have been putting off contacts for a very long time simply because I could not imagine poking my eye on a daily basis. Now that I am here in the state of unpredictable weather, I usually find my glasses fogging up or getting misty in the cold. Also, when I work out and sweat builds up at the bridge of my nose (like I have one) and eyebrows, I have to remove my glasses from time to time only to have a wrenching headache on the treadmill. And because I work out at least 4 times a week and spend at least 2 hours a day in the gym, I decided to get contacts once and for all.

I probably spent about 15 minutes trying to put on the lenses on each eye. That's a grand total of 30 minutes. Now for removing... it took another 10 minutes! I was disgruntled and upset at every failed attempt. I felt like that ONE person in a million who didn't know how to wear or remove his/her contacts. Tonight, after the required 4 hours of wearing, I spent 15 minutes trying to remove the right lens and a fabulous half hour was spent for the left. I was crying not because of the weird sensation but because I was so disappointed. The tears probably helped because the lady in the eye store did not suggest buying a lube drop for easy removal of the lenses. Hoen kept telling me to be patient. I blamed the size of my fingers! Heard of gag reflex? I have the WORST case of blink reflex! Anything that almost comes in contact with my eye makes me blink. I chatted with Leg who, in all her wisdom, told me to "just grab them!". Buttwipe on the other hand, told me to "pinch it like you would pinch a baby." That was after she snickered and giggled over my misery. Pinch a baby?? Are you nuts?! Baby skin is smooth. The eyeball is... ick. Inject me anytime, anywhere and I can take it. But to have to touch my eye. Brrr.
I am definitely not looking forward to tomorrow. I can always choose to forego them but since I've already purchased a set of 3 pairs, might as well try and get the hang of it. Wish me all the luck and none of the blinking!