Cleaning and Packing!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
There is a rule to be followed when you're trying to declutter all your stuff. It is the KEEP, DONATE, TOSS rule and that's exactly what I did yesterday. It was not just Spring Cleaning day, it was time-to-get-rid-of-stuff-never-worn-within-the-past-year day. It was the first day of May and now that we're mere weeks away from moving out, it was the perfect time to get started.
I started off by stashing away all our winter clothes (read: THICK) into these huge plastic containers and placed them together with the rest of our "for moving" stuff which are now still grouped together right in front of our fireplace. Then I went and replaced the
m with all our summer and spring clothes. After which, it was time for the huge chin rubbing feat. Which ones to keep and which ones to toss out or donate. Everytime we're getting ready to go somewhere, Joen always tells me to "Please think na what you're going to wear" because he has seen me in my closet staring element. And it took a lot of
staring, prancing, folding and refolding to finally decide which fabric souls get to remain in our closet. The TOSS/DONATE pile was getting higher and higher! Just as well. Why keep clothes we found neither the time nor excuse to wear? Next up, shoes. It was very uplifting to finally sort out all our shoes AWAY from the shoe rack. I paired everything together, got rid of the undesirables and placed them in plastics sacks and stacked them on top of our For Moving pile. I packed up all our picture frames and un-albumed wedding pictures (reminder to self) as well as all our books, magazines and DVDs. Good thing I've held off on the book buying lately because it was just box after box after box. See all those shoe boxes? I don't know why didn't get rid of them ages ago when they were rendered useless by our nine dollar shoe rack.
What's just two paragraphs worth of blogging was actually a whole day event. Today, time to dive in to my girlie stuff. My husband has it easy. He doesn't have to worry about his stuff because he trusts my judgment. But that's not saying he has lesser stuff than me because he has LOTS more clothes than I do! Look at our closet. I can see the wall behind it now! And we've freed up what, dozens of hangers! Hurrah! I LOVE moving out. It feels like detoxifying really.
So there. For days until we move out, this is what we (read: I) will be doing. Wish me all the luck and none of the sneezing because all this dust is really starting to get to me.