Touch it in the morning
Contacts update: I can now wing it on first, second or third attempts. And it take me less than a minute to put them on and remove. Thanks to that video I saw online on the best way to wear and remove contacts, I can now conquer the world un-bispectacled. Oora!
Point of Contact
There are some things in life you may have avoided for so long for a good reason. And once you were done avoiding, you WISH you have had continued avoiding. One of these things is wearing contact lenses.
I have been putting off contacts for a very long time simply because I could not imagine poking my eye on a daily basis. Now that I am here in the state of unpredictable weather, I usually find my glasses fogging up or getting misty in the cold. Also, when I work out and sweat builds up at the bridge of my nose (like I have one) and eyebrows, I have to remove my glasses from time to time only to have a wrenching headache on the treadmill. And because I work out at least 4 times a week and spend at least 2 hours a day in the gym, I decided to get contacts once and for all.
I probably spent about 15 minutes trying to put on the lenses on each eye. That's a grand total of 30 minutes. Now for removing... it took another 10 minutes! I was disgruntled and upset at every failed attempt. I felt like that ONE person in a million who didn't know how to wear or remove his/her contacts. Tonight, after the required 4 hours of wearing, I spent 15 minutes trying to remove the right lens and a fabulous half hour was spent for the left. I was crying not because of the weird sensation but because I was so disappointed. The tears probably helped because the lady in the eye store did not suggest buying a lube drop for easy removal of the lenses. Hoen kept telling me to be patient. I blamed the size of my fingers! Heard of gag reflex? I have the WORST case of blink reflex! Anything that almost comes in contact with my eye makes me blink. I chatted with Leg who, in all her wisdom, told me to "just grab them!". Buttwipe on the other hand, told me to "pinch it like you would pinch a baby." That was after she snickered and giggled over my misery. Pinch a baby?? Are you nuts?! Baby skin is smooth. The eyeball is... ick. Inject me anytime, anywhere and I can take it. But to have to touch my eye. Brrr. I am definitely not looking forward to tomorrow. I can always choose to forego them but since I've already purchased a set of 3 pairs, might as well try and get the hang of it. Wish me all the luck and none of the blinking!
Garage SOLD
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Now that we are less a month away from closing our house and with Spring's warmer breezes, garage sales are a-mushroomin'! Time to skimp! We always joke around about eating just twice a day, not going on vacations and wearing "bahag" all because we now have to pay for mortgage. As much as it sucks not to have all the money in the world, it actually has helped us discipline ourselves from buying into ANY trend. Because we don't have any money, it's easy for us to look past the wants and stick with the needs. We rarely buy regular price and we hardly purchase anything on impulse. Tahnee told me about this placed called Thriftworld and I really ought to check it out. I love bargain shopping!
HUGE SEGUE dontchootink? Back to the program.
We have been garage sale hopping for the past 2 weekends. So far, we have been very happy with our purchases because most of it has been for the house. We have bought a water fountain, a wall clock, a scanner, a jar of river stones, a boardgame, a bag and several other stuff. Last Sunday was crazy because we went to not one, but THREE garage sales. The second one we went to was from a posh neighborhood so most of the stuff on display were high end. There we met a woman who gave us her card for us to check out her puppies. Sooo cute! It was a surprise weekend for us, one we truly enjoyed. We're not stopping the hopping anytime soon so I hope we bring enough cash every weekend. Who knows? We just might see more garage sales at the side of the road.
Planet Earth
Monday, April 23, 2007
Last week, we got a REALLY good deal from Barnes and Noble. We got the Planet Earth DVD for just 38 dollars!! Woohoo!! This show is just the most awesome documentary ever! And our kids are going to be watching it with us! Sigourney Weaver must be really proud to have been chosen as the narrator. The star of the movie, "Aliens" narrating about the planet? Get the irony? Huh? Get it? GET IT??
Thursday, April 19, 2007
This pseudo-work I am doing now is not within my comfort zone. For one, talking to people CONSTANTLY is not my cup of tea. But it's something I have to do so I have to do it. Tonight, I spoke with an Indian prospect. The time difference? HUGE. I had to call him up midnight my time just to get started. Am I willing to do this everyday? I don't want to. Will talking to him make me earn more money? Yes. Am I willing to compromise? I don't know. It's bad enough that I don't like what I do, I have to do it round the clock.
I told Hoen I'd give this a month or 2 months tops. If I am still not comfortable, then I will have to quit. Otherwise, I'll tough it out. Also, if they do find polyps in my uterus then another D&C is inevitable. We transfer houses next month and the deal is to get it ready (paint dry and all) before we move in. School is up in August so all the more. What I really want to do now is study web design. This is so Hoen and I can put something up in the future- he builds the site, I design it. Of course, I am not expecting to become some avant garde designer in a flash but I am willing to start somewhere.
Anyway, going back, why does everything have to be about being stuck between comfort and compromise.
On the front
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Owe the pics. Awe the pics!
Career Builder
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Yesterday, I was taking this call from a client around 7 pm since he is in California. I ended up cooking late, not talking to Hoen, going to the gym late and just putting off what I was supposed to do wait for this very important call. When we were at the gym, that's when I realized that I didn't want a career that would prevent me from spending time with my family. I don't want to be one of those wives and mothers who might be physically around but actually aren't.
And that's when I felt depressed. I told Hoen that I really want to think about what career I need to pursue because I have the luxury of time now. I am enjoying what I'm doing now but it's not actually a career I can build on. It's just something I can learn from. I told Hoen that I don't mind getting a job that would suck the life out of me during the day but night time, when I'm at home, I'm really at home. Or something that will allow me to work from home and that trend is getting more and more popular now. But I couldn't narrow it down! I have always been good at a lot of things but best at nothing. A Jack of all Trades, a Master of none. But really, seriously, I NEED TO KNOW ALREADY WHAT I WANT TO BE AND WHAT I WANT TO DO! I have gone trhough living this life working without building a career. I mean, yes, I am still going to take a Masters Degree but to work on what?? I don't know! One thing I do know is that Hoen and I should ideally put up a business of building websites. He develops it, I can design. And that is why I have started learning web design. SLOW BY SLOW. But still, that does not really define the career I want to have. That can just be something we can do on the side.
Aarrggh. I can teach! I can make bags! I can organize events! I can plan weddings! I can manage projects! I can do research! I can do almost anything people want me to do except make up my mind about what I want to do. I had wanted to chat with Leg and Buttwipe about it but Leg was busy and so I ended up talking to Buttwipe and Jown. They all echoed what Hoen told me. That no matter what kind of job I have, it really is up to me to set the boundaries and lay down the ground rules. They are right on all counts. I just hope I can get over my OCness for getting things done. Maybe I should talk to a Career adviser.
Good news. I felt better when I woke up.
Monday, April 09, 2007
It is post Easter and both Friendster and Multiply sites are flooded with Holy Week pics of people who spent it at Bora, Shang, or at any damn beach in the Philippines. Looking at them just makes me miss the beaches back home even more. Holy week for us was Family time but when I started working, my parents started giving me permission to spend it with friends elsewhere. But how ever I spent Holy week, there were always staples. Binignit is one. Fish is two. The heat, an inevitable three. My mom always listened to the siete palabras on the radio or on TV. Somehow, listening to those priests speak in length about Jesus' 7 last words really annoyed me. I was more spiritual than religious. I always preferred praying on my own, sometimes even in song and for as long as an hour. I always spoke with God at my own time, in my own way.
I spoke with God during our Easter mass. I realized that despite everything beyond our reach and control, we are truly blessed. The seller just accepted our offer to the house and it just might be ours in a month. Might be moving in on July when all the paint is dry and some of the decor settled. Joen has a job he loves despite the uncertainty of the company in terms of job retention. I was given the chance to work with Nik when my BF contract was to end. We have no in-law problems (fuera buyag) and our families are pretty close and get along really well. Finances may be tight but somehow, we are still able to enjoy good food and spend for little needs and wants here and there. Despite our differences in character, Hoen and I laugh a lot. Everyday, there seems to be always something funny that keeps us both laughing. We are still very much in love. The butterfly kisses we trade are not things I take for granted. Being hugged and cuddled and LOVED in general is the most amazing dictionary-less feeling in the world. Loving him back makes me a better person. My mom's health has been greatly improving and my Dad is up for Deanship. Megan and my bro are getting closer albeit the ongoing annulment filing. Chime is starting her food business. Ate Joyce et al are doing great. Jones is up for Doctorate. Ate Chams' pregnancy is just exciting is Kuya JJ is getting opportunities left and right. I stay in touch with my friends and vice versa. Life is good. It may not be perfect but everything's A-OK. I always thank God for everything... E V E R Y T H I N G he has granted us. Easter should be about realizations and awakenings, right?
Now for that binignit...
My ache-y breaky heart
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
The other day, I experienced some mild pain and pressure below my left breast. I couldn't exactly pinpoint where it was but it was on that area where the bra wire sits on. Was it on my rib? Was it on my breastbone? Or worse, my heart?? The pain lasted no more than 5 minutes and it happened in the afternoon. Last night, right after I had my midnight snack of otap, I felt the pain again only this time it was more painful and lasted longer. I entered "pain below the breast" and right away I saw ANGINA, somethingCHONDRITIS and heartburn. Since I have MVP, this was a worry. It said that rest and heat relieves this if occurrence is caused by the cold, activity or eating. I figured mine belonged to the third category.
So I slept with the heat pack below my breast last night while tearing up thinking the most dreadful thoughts. You know the usual, death, what's going to happen to Hoen if I die, will I ever have kids, will I die of a heart attack soon.
This morning, a few minutes after I woke up, the pain was back but it was milder this time. I did my usual morning yoga and stretching and with the heat pack again, the pain seemed to go away. I chatted with Oona (aka Mommybean) and turns out, she has experienced the same symptoms what with her birth onset MVP. Is mine MVP-related? Have I developed a new heart condition? Or is this just a pinched nerve caused by my sleeping position? I don't know yet. But I'm definitely seeing a cardiologist already since I've been putting that appointment off for almost 2 years now. Funny, on April 2nd, I made a reminder to myself to contact a cardiologist and that's when I got my first "pain". I should pay more attention to my reminders. After all, I put them there for a reason.
I feel old. Now that I'm turning 30, the wear and tear of my body is starting to show. As much as I want to embrace it, I hate it.
You know you're married to a geek when...
... even though he is eligible to get this really cool smartphone, it takes him 45 minutes to decide whether or not to get it because he hadn't done AAAALL THE RESEARCH about it. All this while sitting 20 feet away from the vendor eating his cinnamon roll as he contemplates.
... he spends more time researching about gadgets than he does taking a shower
... looking for the solution to eliminate the ECHO in a VOIP conversation makes him jump up and down
... he extends his lunch hour to buy the perrrrrfect blue tooth headset
... he handles gadgets more delicately than he does my boobs
... every single software update fuels him to stay up 3 hours past his bedtime
... he talks about owning the perfect device after we have prayed in bed
Hoen owned this phone for a good 48 hours.
He is now a proud owner of this one.
FINALLY he's happy.