... you'll love this!! Here goes my super duper advanced gift to Hoen. This is a binary watch where, as you may have already figured out, tells time in binary code. The lights on top tell the hour while the lights at the bottom tell the minutes. Perfect for Hoen's treadmill runs. Don'tcha just think that this is the coolest thing ever?!?!
Ok. I have a confession to make. TWO confessions. And this is something I am not proud of but not necessarily embarrassed about. I have been following two shows which I normally wouldn't and I happen to enjoy them now. These shows are (placing hands on face to, er, save face) THE HILLS and GIRLS NEXT DOOR.
Now, I had never seen Laguna Beach and had never been interested with the likes of such shows. However, I flipped the channel to MTV this one time was able to watch a few minutes of the reality show about 4 girls living life in LA. There's this guy, Spencer, who is the apparent antagonist on the show. I hated his face, his demeanor, his voice, everything about him I just loathed that I ended up watching each episode just to see if he gets booted out of the show. What's more, I have grown to like Lauren Conrad, a Laguna Beach alumnae, as well as her fellow intern, Whitney. Heidi is stupid, blind and dumb while Audrina is quite boring. Anyway, since most of them don't talk Barbie-ish (and thank God for that), I can bare watching this show until the end.
Now for GIRLS NEXT DOOR. Documenting the lives of Hugh Hefner's 3 girlfriends hardly seemed interesting until one time, when I decided to see what the whole show was about. And I was so amused at how different they were to each other. Holly is intelligent and has a wide range of words in her vocabulary. Bridget is the aspiring law student who talk a bit Barbie-ish but is genuinely nice and kind. Kendra is the tomboy in all the three but as much as she is downright dumb, she is also the most honest and in-your-face among the three. So I like watching the show because they are such characters. But I get annoyed with their laughs though. Think of a goat who can say, "A-ha-ha-ha-ha" instead of "Baaaaa".
Ha! Easier said than done.
I went to my allergist yesterday. For several weeks now, I would have these itchy break-outs all over my body especially on my back, arms and legs. These itchy episodes occur anytime during the day and even in the middle of the night when I'd have to wake Joen up just to apply some chinese cream on my back (chinese cream referred to me by Ate Joyce, bought by Papa at some chinese store downtown).
So just to check whether or not I have developed new allergies, I went to Jeremy's allergist yesterday. At first, he scratched my skin with a popsicle stick to see if my skin would raise. True enough , my skin did raise. What was funny was after he did the popsicle stick test, the OTHER UNTOUCHED side of my back started to itch. They witnessed the building of an "island" on my skin. It was huge pa gyud daw! How timely for the doctor to see! Anyway, as far as my new itches are concerned, he diagnosed me with DERMATOGRAPHISM which is a fancy name for "hyper sensitive and dry skin usually triggered by cold weather or a dry environment". He gave me tips on how to take care of my skin. I had no idea that shower scrubbing is a No-no and that you are not supposed to scrub on your arms and legs because technically, unless you went swimming on a puddle of mud, those parts of your body are clean. I asked him about the dead skin cells bit and he said that they shed by themselves and you don't need to scrub them off. I should only use unscented unflavored soap like Dove or Neutrogena on my armpits, groins, feel and hands. The WORST point? Not showering on really hot water anymore! Waaa!!! I LOVE hot water all over my body, especially for those days when we're at the gym. Ngerr.
Next, he did the prick test to see and confirm allergies. So far:
- grass
- pollen
- weed
- orange
- tree
- ragweed
- mold
- cockroach
- diluent
- most especially, dogs. (He did another prick on CONCENTRATED dog particles and still, negative. Yippee!!)
- Cats. Aaall kinds of cats too
- House dust. All kinds of house dust
- Dustmite 1
- Dustmite 2
- Histamine
Two weeks ago, we realized that our local COMPUSA was closing. Wooppeee! That meant discount gadgets and other computer stuff. While Hoen went around, probably thinking up excuse after excuse, I went straight to the Games section where I was to surprise him by purchasing XBOX's FIFA 07. He got to me before I could go to the counter. BUSTEEEED. Anyway, we went back on the weekend and bought the thing. Lipay intawn ang bata. His face lights up right before playing and he is at it for hours and hours.
The darned "surprise" is now my arch enemy. Hoen just looks up to me like a lost puppy with a guilty smile and I know he's about to get his fingers busy. Our time for cuddling and canoodling are now spent on hearing soccer chants and the announcer frequently shouting, "SAHA!" and "It's a goal!!"
I guess that's the reality, folks. One man's gift is another woman's rival.
His expression says it all! "Remind me" by Royksopp. Genius!
I just read the funniest, silliest but most amusing thing. The Geico Cavemen might just get their own TV series!!! Yippeee!! For months now, Joen and I have been finding the Geico ads as a source of the wittiest and briefest giggles. The line, "So easy a caveman can do it" was supposed to be just that. A line. But it has had several follow-up ads that have been getting wittier and wittier. Our favorite is this ad of the caveman seeing the Geico billboard while on the conveyor. The background music grew on us so much that I downloaded it to my iPod. Hehe. Anyway, according to msn.com...
The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- Those Geico "cavemen" shouldn't be so upset after all — they may get their own television series. ABC said Friday it had ordered a pilot for a comedy, tentatively titled "Cavemen," that features the characters used in a series of ads by the insurance company.
In the ads, cavemen appear insulted by a Geico pitchman's claim that the company's Web site is so easy to use that "even a caveman can do it."
The potential series, one of 14 pilots that will be produced by Touchstone Television this spring, features the cavemen as they "struggle with prejudice on a daily basis as they strive to live the lives of normal thirty-somethings in 2007 Atlanta."
It's unusual for characters from an advertising campaign to move into shows of their own, but not unprecedented. The CBS comedy "Baby Bob" featured a talking baby that had been used in several advertisements, according to Daily Variety.
The advertising copywriter who helped create the "cavemen" ads is writing the pilot, the studio said.
A pilot order is no guarantee a show will make it on the air; in fact, the majority of pilots don't make it that far.
Today, there was a blizzard. A pretty strong one too. 8 to 12 inches of snow all around Metro Omaha and winds were travelling at 70 mph! The second I heard about this blizzard I went "Woohoo!" Wonder why I'm so swing-the-strings-oh-Mister-Puppeteer happy? Because anything that makes my Payfee work from home is good. Hanging around the house while the both of us are wo
rking- my kind of day!