What on earth's a trapezoid??
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Ahahaha... A new show just premiered on Fox (and right before American Idol at that) and it's called "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" Simple 5-th grade level questions are asked in different categories like 1st grade Art, 3rd g
rade Science, etc. The adult contestant goes up against five 5th graders who write down their answers on their individual blackboards. The easiest question is worth $1,000!!! Can you imagine having to answer such an easy question as, "What are the three primary colors?" and then it's worth Php 49,950???
Anyway, we're loving this show. I love the adults' outbursts which go, "What on earth is a trapezoid??", or my favorite, "Two times five equals...." then stares up at the ceiling. HILARIOUS! And with Jeff Foxworthy hosting it, even more ENTERTAINING!

Anyway, we're loving this show. I love the adults' outbursts which go, "What on earth is a trapezoid??", or my favorite, "Two times five equals...." then stares up at the ceiling. HILARIOUS! And with Jeff Foxworthy hosting it, even more ENTERTAINING!