Mac-apalit ba kaha mi???
Monday, November 13, 2006
Hokay. So here's the deal. Two pc-dependent people marry each other. One's an applications archi
tect and the other one's an online marketer / advertiser / spammer. There's only one pc- a desktop at that. Trouble in pc-dise? You bet! The solution? GET A LAPTOP.
But which one?Our choices were pretty simple at first. We just get an ordinary running laptop that lasts a whi
le and works reliably. Pretty soon, the Mac was within our brands of choice because of its durability and simplicity. The more we researched, the more we realize just how much has changed in the Apple book in such a short span of time. Dual boot, fully packed OS, etc. But Hoen's concerns were that he wants to be able to download programming tools like MYSQL, Eclipse, Tomcat, Apache, etc. and he wasn't sure if all these were now supported. So more research was done, I was emailing with Beaver back and forth and I asked the Geeka Rasta Masta, Rexy. I'm guessing more chats with Stan with help too. Seems it's all praises for the Mac and the price ain't that bad. Not the iBook but the MacBook which I later learned is now Buttwipe's LT. We plan to get the LT as soon as the wedding is done because we both really NEED it. I can always do my work somewhere wi
th WiFi and Hoen can always test the codes he gets from books he reads right there and then. What's more, we can both stop harassing our poor desktop pc with our bombardment of applications, tabs, tools, codes, etc. So Mac-apalit ba gyud kaha mi ani? Abangan!