Anniv night
Thursday, June 28, 2007
We decided to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary yesterday by going to this Japanese resto we both haven't tried yet. It was this place called Hiro Restaurant. So in the spirit of binging over Jap food, I decided to skip on snacking and go straight to dinner. The only mistake I did was that I had mint gum in my mouth for 3 hours so as not to be tempted to snack. I eat every 2-3 hours so it took a lot of convincing.
2 hours before dinner, my tummy was already making weird sounds so I had to succumb to my urge. I had some marble cake right away so as to rid me of the slight spasm I was feelin
g. We get to the resto and boy was the food good. It was the BEST BEST BEST sashimi I've ever had and just how excitingly unique can sliced raw fish be, you may ask. Well it was sooo thick and sooo fresh and it was just... perfect. Had 2 slices more than what the menu said. To top it off, we got the best waiter ever. His name was Sammy, half Japanese, half Italian (I know. Whoah!) and he was born and raised in Japan. So he and Joen had some little Japan talk and he was just on a roll. Some life he lived. Anyway, Hoen later on asks him if what was in the sushi was real crab because I couldn't eat it. Even though it was ENTIRELY my fault for not thinking ahead, Sammy felt so bad that he gave me a plate of tuna rolls ON HIM. And if THAT wasn't enough, the green tea ice cream we ordered was ON HIM as well! An Anniv gift, so he said. This wasn't just a waiter. Sammy's actually one of those workers who really go out of their way to make your dining experience a pleasure. His girlfriend/clueless fiancee also works there and well, that's another story right there.
So we head for home and my tummyache gets worse by the minute. It got so bad that I had to forego bathing and washing my face and dove straight to bed. Short story long, I got some help from Doogie and J
ownie who were no strangers to hyperacidity, gas and whatnot. I, on the other hand, am not used to having upset stomachs. I have always prided myself for being able to get rid of anything alien in my body so you can imagine how upset and annoyed I was at the discomfort. Jown finally tells me about taking some lactobacillus drink (and boy, do I miss Yakult!) to balance out the acids and bases in my intestines. Hoen had to go to Walgreens at 1 am. True enough the lacto pills along with the lukewarm water and facedown lying cured my ills. Tunks God intawn.
Even though I went from sumptuous Japanese food to Milo and crackers in one night, the only good thing about getting sick that night is being able to avoid the TV which would have been swamped with nothing but Paris talk. Maayo nalang ug nakalikay ko.