Saturday, June 14, 2008
I am so glad to still live what resembles a life outside of the office and school. I have Joen to tha
nk for, because if all we can do is play footsie under the table because our fingers are pounding over work or school stuff, he still gives me the occasional back rub and kiss on the forehead when he can. Thanks to Zoe because not a day passes that I don't hear from her. She has become sort of a part of my everyday and it doesn't hurt that there's
always food when she's
around! She has been sleeping over almost every Friday because of Ghost Whisperer. Anne and I got her into it. Speaking of Anne, Anne never fails to start our days with an email, just asking us how we are, and that propels a whole day worth of updates. She is the youngest yet the wisest. Lena, her sister, is funny, whimsical and uhmm, young! Yien keeps in touch too and I really appreciate that. She is a professional workhorse and it's al
ways a pl
easure being surrounded by her. The other men, Markus and Joe, give some balance to Joen, hehe.
Here are some pics taken last May 19th. We celebrated Joen's birthday, Zoe's birthday, our first anniversary at the house, and Anne and Joe's wedding Anniv. Also Markus got his scholarship grant so plenty to celebrate for! The second one was a sushi day at the house. Zoe and I shopped at the Japanese store at L and we came home with empty stomachs and knives. Oh what fun!
Sometimes I imagine having my friends here spend some time with the Harem. We would so get along. WE all love food and good conversation and just being plain silly. The men have no problem either and it's always an experience. I hope that does
happen one day. It would really be nice to have everybody together around our dining table in the house. Wishing, hoping... =) Hija L, come over na! I'm serious. God gave you that Visa so you owe him a trip! You have to come over before it expires. You have three more years! Sige na, before I start getting pregnant and having piglets!