Monday, February 04, 2008
Oh and, the Giants won!!! WOOHOOO!! I'm all for the Underdawg. =) Go Eli!

Thus far
So many things, so little effort to blog. When I get home, all I want to do is take a nap, go to the gym, watch TV, cuddle some and sleep. Work has been busy and I am still not over waking up early in the morning and I don't think I ever will. I am surprisingly up and about in the office but the moment I get in the car I just get lethargic. Blame that on the 45-minute travel time. Hoen has been doing the driving these past few weeks because of all the snow we've been getting. The roads can be soooo slippery that no matter how careful we are, there's always a chance somebody's going to slip. I have had a few too many close calls in one day that I had just sworn off driving in the snow for now. Maybe until we get our 2nd vehicle.
So... we're watching The Phantom of the Opera on Valentine's day. I'm excited about that. Also, Jones might be coming over to the US from April to May for a Rotary call so that will be exciting. I sooo cannot wait for Spring!
But the biggest thing we have now is Joen actively looking for another job. There will be an announcement on February 15 and solid rumors say that things are going to be VERRRY DIFFERENT at FDR. Of the how many lay-offs Hoen has gone through, he has never felt the need to touch his resume. But now I guess his instinct is telling him otherwise. Melissa, one of their Project Managers, told him that he is one among the two programmers they really like. I believe "cherry-picked" was the term that they used. The upside of getting laid-off is the 6 months severance pay that you get. The downside is that there will be a pool of talent all looking for work at the same time. Knowing that Hoen is cherry-picked by other PMs, he might have a slim chance of getting laid-off. So he's starting to take charge of this particular part of our destiny. This is the biggest deal for us thus far because it will impact just about everything ahead of us. We are praying for guidance and enlightenment.