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Salamat tanan!
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving doesn't mean squat to me except for the fact that it's a day about getting full, pigging out and binging. That is, if you missed the synonymous nature of all that. I give thanks to God everyday and I mean it everytime I say it. He made my dreams come true and he makes me wake up and sleep with the best person I could ever ask for- the best husband evarrr!

Lately, I've been taking a break from applying because the past 3 weeks have been just one interview after another. First National, Woodmen and Linkedin did NOT call me last Friday, and as much as a I was disappointed, I had to deal with the reality that since I'm applying towards the end of the year, getting a job RIGHT AWAY may be very hard. Joen and the rest of my friends are all optimistic. I take it one step at a time. Maybe because it's my first time to actually job hunt? So I've been concentrating on school stuff. With 2 more projects, a term paper and really heavy chapters, I have no choice but to focus on these things. I am only so lucky to be taking Accounting unemployed. I don't know how my employed classmates do it!

Then today, Woodmen called. They wanted to schedule me to a SECOND interview on Monday. MONDAY YET!!!! A second interview THREE weeks after they had just interviewed me. Man! This is torture! Haha. This whole waiting game is something I really have to get used to. Wish me luck!

So tomorrow, we go to Taro and Toni's to celebrate Turkey day with Emily, John and the kids. I'll be seeing Abigail again! Come Black Friday, hooking up with Yien, Markus and maybe Zoe to race to the bargains at 5 am! Joen took Friday off so it's 4 straight days of couple bliss! Oowa oowa!

Samanta Who?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How could I have forgotten about Samantha Who??? Cristina Applegate is soooo awesome here! She definitely channels Shirley Maclaine. Hehe. She is a woman who just came out of a coma, has amnesia and is starting to gather her life together. The clincher is, she used to be a bitch. So she has to cope with people already hating her, not believing in her and befriending old pals she used to diss. Sookie from Gilmore Girls is one of those best friends. The thing now is that the old Samantha is now starting to resurface and her friends and family are afraid that the new Samantha may be catching up pretty fast. Very nice angle and it is HILARIOUS. The US' no. 1 comedy.

My favorite line:
(Upon realizing that the old Samantha got a restraining order from a guy...)
Samantha: "I was only tracking him down to tell him that I wasn't stalking him"
Mother: "I'm never gonna have grandkids, am I?" Hahaha.

Samantha: "I don't even remember sex anymore!"
Best friend: "You're a virgin!"
(The whole bar goes quiet)

Hehe. Love this show.

Oh and The Unit is getting to be more and more intense. Sgt. Williams was killed off last week but he was given a proper burial today, literally and figuratively. The dialog and war scenes are so much better and compelling now and the characters are believable. They make our Tuesdays more interesting.

Vat's on ze toob!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It was yet another reeeally gooood eppy for Brothers and Sisters last Sunday. Justin, now on relapse with his pain medication, gets ambushed by the entire Walker clan as each member struggles to make peace with their own problems. Kitty's miscarriage, Sarah's abrupt divorce, Tommy's adultery, Kevin's long distance non-relationship, Saul's homosexual past and Elizabeth's future. Even the senator had to struggle with the possibility of being a dad again, what with his daughter running her mouth on boyfriends and other tween angst. The dialog, as usual, was very powerful and Sally Field was just captivating. She owns each scene she is on. I like the last part when she tells Justin she should "break up with her son". "Mom, can you make me an oatmeal?" Sally: "You're a grown-up, Justin, you can make one yourself." WOW. Even my mom can't say no to that. Haha.

Bionic Woman is really now starting to look like Alias. Secret agent, covert-ops working with CIA boyfriend although the boyfriend here has no girlfriend. But this actress is starting to grow on me especially since I've seen some of her work on British telly. I like the sister angle though, and I think they are going to take advantage of that tomorrow. People like that always hurt the ones they love, don't they?

Life ... thank God, the Hugh Laurie comparison has kind of tapered. His relationship with his matter has really started to materialize on its own. They are both troubled what with her addiction and his unsolved crime. Their dynamic is very believable and the fact that she practically wears little to no make-up on HD TV is just fascinating. She really is sooo beautiful! I'd do her if I were swinging towards the other vine.

Chuck... here's a show I haven't really seen from start to finish. But Hoen has and when we get home from Accounting, I see the second half of it. Very good. He just ended his make-believe relationship with the cop to be with (yuck) Rachel Bilson. This is a show for geeks and nerds! It plays around with each geek's fantasy of being "utilized" by some intelligence agency. Haha. I can imagine Rexy watching this one over and over.

Ghost Whisperer... I missed the last eppy! I hope it had nothing to do with her still mysterious destiny. Kill her already, let her roam through the after-life then spew her back into life on earth. That should be interesting.

Numb3rs... Amita, Amita, Amita. Are you moving in with Charles? Is the dad moving out or are you going to bunk up on the basement? And Don.. when are you going to mend your dented relationship with the hottie colleague? I liked last week's eppy on Amita playing the online fantasy game, Privacy.

Human Weapon is back!! And so is Bizarre Food with Andy Zimmern.

Friday, November 09, 2007

The third interview with FNB went surprisingly very well! Michael Watts pretty much covered a lot of areas as far as my experience and his department was concerned. He interviewed me today to see if I would fit well with the FNBO Direct Division. Us having an account with ING Direct really helped a lot as I was able to graps FNBO Direct's vision of what it wants in the 1 to 2 years. Dan Harley came in about 40 minutes into the interview and asked a couple of questions. Surprisingly though, we ended up talking about New Jersey and being so new in Omaha. He pretty much just wanted to leave the rest of the interview to Michael so that was good.

I am to hear from them end of next week, which is Woodmen's and Linkedin.com's timeline as well. Good luck to me!

Watching Tori Amos tomorrow!!!!

Skeptic Electric
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

And just when I thought I didn't get the First National Bank job, they call me up at 8:45 yesterday morning to tell me that they need me for a THIRD interview THIS FRIDAY yet. My first reaction was... are you friggin' kidding me? Here I've been stressing over the results of the 2nd interview and now, there's yet another one?? And with two OTHER VPs at that?? Holy Molasses! Joen, somehow, is all optimistic about it, just as my mom is. They say that they had plenty of time to reject me and yet, they still want more from me so that must mean they're interested. I am leaning towards Wendy thinking, "I am unsure of this girl. YOU go interview her and YOU guys decide." Hehe. Skeptic Skeptic. I don't know. For now, the thought of another interview is kind of tiring me a bit. But who knows? I might get the optimistic bug on Friday. I guess a little reading on Banking for Dummies is in order.

Three more days for Tori Amos!!! Wooohoo!!!

Battery assiz!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Last night was a bit weird. And unexpected.

I was chatting with Kreth. And Daisy.

Kreth was good. The last time we were in contact was when he left me that Friendster message when Hoen and I were in the Korean airport on our way to the US. After that, nada. Zeewo. Nu'un. After a failed suicide attempt, I guess he realized... LIFE. Hoh well. I'm just glad he has moved on to better things.

Daisy was another thing. As a woman, I can smell defensiveness from a mile away and I was a'sniffing last night. When you are guilty, you want to gather as many people as you possibly can on your side. But not me. I happen to be on Kamsky's side on this 100%. So after realizing that she wasn't going to get any butter from me, she left. Serves her right. No politiko speech-o, freak-o.

I was chatting with two lying exes. Too bad I was only able to tell Kamsky about it this morning. Haha.

Manic Monday is overrrrr

My most dreaded day is over...

My 11 am interview with Linkedin.com went well. It was for a Quality Assurance position so once again, it was only one of the things I did in Bigfoot as PM. But I think they were really looking for one with focused QA experience even though their job scope was something I have done before. They need a week to sift through all applicants. Ako pa gyud ang na-una, what with my interview falling on a Monday morning. Ngerrr. I might be so forgettable.

The Woodmen interview was more eventful though. They are a huge huge insurance company and I applied for a Business Analyst position. I was referred by Chandi, who has been an analyst there for 7 years. The panel interview (unexpected) went very well. They had no qualms about me not having any insurance background. They asked general project management questions and I think I was able to answer them pretty well. As useless, I will hear from them in a week or two. So the waiting game is on! Haha.

Didn't hear from First National Bank so I guess I didn't get it. But there is rumor that if an applicant calls them to follow-up, they can negotiate for a lower pay. So they call all those they don't want to accept and they don't call those they like. Amongst those they like, whoever calls may have to negotiate with a lower rate. So we are trying to be careful in playing that game. Otherwise, I guess my lack of banking/finance background really did impair me even if the panel interview went well. The VP was the end-all and be-all so it's understandable.

And now the sad part. I got a B on my mid-terms. Aside from the 2 Excel projects which I did well in, I lost 8 points because of sheer carelessness. I miscalculated even when everything was laid out very well. Next time, I am going to eat something hearty before the exam so that I can concentrate. For now, the goal is to get straight As on our 2 projects, our 1 analysis paper and the exam. So kayud todo todo!

Zzzzzzoooo awake
Saturday, November 03, 2007

This is my second insomniac night. Actually, my third. The first one was the day of mid-terms last Monday. Last night, I was able to sleep at 7 am already. Tonight's not looking so good either. What to do, what to do... I am making warm milk hoping to be put to sleep by it. No one to chat with as it is a weekend in Pinas.

Blag blig bleg blug...

Had a sumptuous dinner at Zoe's earlier. Anne wasn't there but it was fun, nonetheless. My 2 pm interview with LinkedIn got moved to Monday but TekSystems called me up for a 4 pm interview. Good thing Markus invited Hoen and I to lunch so we had some Mexican, just he and I as Hoen had already eaten. The 4pm thing was a turn-down on my part, big reason was the travel and the uncertainty of having a company car. Oh well.

Now I dread Monday. Not only do I have to wake up early in the morning to make it to the ride to Omaha with Hoen, I have an 11 o'clock interview with LinkedIn. The Woodmen of the World interview is at 3 pm and I've class at night. I am sooo going to be wiped out that night. I might have to finally drink Markus' Red Bull.

Tonight's highlight, aside from Zoe's food and Hoen's armpits-that-never-seem-to-stink-even-when-dripping-with-sweat:

Me: Goodnight, Zoe! (hugs her)
Markus: (Looks at me and Zoe) Do Americans also do this?
(Does a robotic hug gesture)
Zoe: It's ok, Markus. You can do that. I won't make you my boyfriend.
Markus hugs her.

HAHAHAHA. Second-rate english statements between Markus and Zoe can be so hilarious!